Practising 'Show not tell' descriptions in English

In English today, we were practising describing how a character is feeling by 'showing' this rather than 'telling' it. The children acted out some different emotions and the rest of the class had to identify the body language that showed the emotion.

Here are some of the children's examples:
She stomped into the room with clenched fists. She bawled, 'How dare you say that!' She ground her teeth together and her face was bright red. (anger)

He slowly walked into the room with his hands covering his eyes. Tears were dripping down his face. He sat down in a corner by himself and wiped away his tears.

She skipped into the classroom with a big smile on her face. Her eyes were open wide like sunlight. She walked up to Esther and gave her a hug. (happiness)

He ate the cake without leaving any for the birthday boy. Then, he opened the presents of the birthday boy that he knew had chocolate in. He devoured it all in two seconds! (greed)

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