A delicious feast to help our learning in English

This week, in English, we have been reading a portal story about a boy called Billy, who finds a door in a brick wall, enters in and finds himself in another world. Next week, the children will be writing their own portal story. One of the success criteria will be about using expanded noun phrases to add detail to their story. In order to support the children's writing of expanded noun phrases, we set up the feast that Billy saw in the great hall and used the food items to write expanded noun phrases.

Here are some examples of the children's writing:
Billy saw some finger-licking good popcorn chicken on top of his plate. (Ben)

The rainbow Skittles in the bowl were soon eaten. (Seb)

The tasty cream egg on the plate was about to be eaten by Ryan.(Charlie)

Billy saw a juicy, meaty fish next to lots of chips. (Luke)

The healthy orange juice in the bottle was soon drank. (Pierre)

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