Star of the week

Well done to Esther who is this week's Star of the Week for her attitude to learning and for giving of her best particularly in Mathematics and English.

A delicious feast to help our learning in English

This week, in English, we have been reading a portal story about a boy called Billy, who finds a door in a brick wall, enters in and finds himself in another world. Next week, the children will be writing their own portal story. One of the success criteria will be about using expanded noun phrases to add detail to their story. In order to support the children's writing of expanded noun phrases, we set up the feast that Billy saw in the great hall and used the food items to write expanded noun phrases.

Here are some examples of the children's writing:
Billy saw some finger-licking good popcorn chicken on top of his plate. (Ben)

The rainbow Skittles in the bowl were soon eaten. (Seb)

The tasty cream egg on the plate was about to be eaten by Ryan.(Charlie)

Billy saw a juicy, meaty fish next to lots of chips. (Luke)

The healthy orange juice in the bottle was soon drank. (Pierre)

The lovely, hard-working Year 4's!

This is Year 4!

Practising 'Show not tell' descriptions in English

In English today, we were practising describing how a character is feeling by 'showing' this rather than 'telling' it. The children acted out some different emotions and the rest of the class had to identify the body language that showed the emotion.

Here are some of the children's examples:
She stomped into the room with clenched fists. She bawled, 'How dare you say that!' She ground her teeth together and her face was bright red. (anger)

He slowly walked into the room with his hands covering his eyes. Tears were dripping down his face. He sat down in a corner by himself and wiped away his tears.

She skipped into the classroom with a big smile on her face. Her eyes were open wide like sunlight. She walked up to Esther and gave her a hug. (happiness)

He ate the cake without leaving any for the birthday boy. Then, he opened the presents of the birthday boy that he knew had chocolate in. He devoured it all in two seconds! (greed)

Last week, the children in Years 3 and 4 had a very tasty trip as they launched their new IPC topic, Chocolate.  We travelled to York to visit York’s Chocolate Story museum. Here, the children learned more about the history behind York’s famous chocolatiers.  Then, they were taught how chocolate is made starting from the cocoa beans.  There were interactive displays to help explain the many processes of chocolate production and the children were shown how to correctly taste a piece of chocolate as a chocolate connoisseur. The museum tour finished with the children making their own chocolate lollies and watching a live demonstration of how filled chocolates are made. 
Around every corner there was more chocolate to sample so it is hardly surprising that some of the children deemed this to be ‘the best trip ever’!

Here are a few photos to show our children enjoying the trip.

Kindness assembly

Our Class assembly

Well done to all the children for their performance today! I'm sure we were all very proud of them for learning their lines, approaching the assembly with such enthusiasm and for bringing it all together today. I thought their performance of the song Count on Me was particularly special.

Please look out for our class entry in the school news letter this week which is all about kindness in Year 4.